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2003-10-01 - 10:10 a.m.

Sal loves Frankenberry, but it really looks like small pig snouts. Is the shape supposed to be Frankenberry's nose?

On Monday night I performed in The World Famous *BOB*'s new performer showcase at Galapagos.

I want French toast. I'm going to see a movie before work.

So you know how in school or a club (not a dance club, like an art club or Junior Achievement or something) when there's only one boy and lots of girls, the girls will fight for the one boy's attention, and it's gross? That's how it feels at work when our two trans guys are around- throngs of girls flocking around and flirting. It's not everyone, I mean, but it's a number of the ladies- especially the younger ones. I know I do it- is it a chemical reaction to testosterone?

There was a big dinner party for my great aunt's 85th birthday last weekend, and it was surreal- I was at a table with my childhood friend's parents, my fifth- and first-grade teachers, and my future-ornithologist cousin (that makes it sound like she studies birds from the year 3000). Sal was busy discovering that he may have hooked up with my childhood friend at her college.

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