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2005-08-28 - 3:42 p.m.

The Summer of Premature Saturn Return is ending. Thank God, or lack thereof, or, y'know, stardust. I am ending what I once charmingly called the "Lindsay Lohan diet" (no more 7am sexual panic attacks. No more endless arrays of wadded kleenex. No more are-my-pores-really-THAT-big?). I am ending Babeland this week and NYC soon. No more dire communication skills and moodswing insecurities; no more screaming matches in the car til our faces turn red and we strain at our seatbelts with, y'know, "antics".
Get back on top of those friendships.
No more money wasting or money not-earning or overt self-effacement. No more Alexandra, maybe, bless her heart
Oh wow I am so done with this entry.

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