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2002-08-14 - 7:49 p.m.

Deal, Stenz.

I just peeked in my room and the first thing I saw was my hair dryer.

My Hair Dryer, by Kiley O.:

I got my maroon Conair hair dryer with plastic round brush head for Christmas when I was seventeen. The arrival of this gift coincided with the apex of my "country singer hair" phase, so it was gladly received and used with vigor for the rest of my senior year. It, coupled with lycra pants, helped me achieve the slut factor I felt necessary to have in order to get my ex-boyfriend's attention across our Spanish classroom.

So, yeah, I still have it. It went with me to New York, collecting dust as I grew out a crew cut; Boston, where I went fancy again to try to pick up chicks, back to Schenectady for my weird extended townie experience (lotsa use during the community college theater thing), etc. It's been so ubiquitous in the past six years, when Summer Visitor Rach saw it on my bedroom floor, she cried out, "oh God- the curly brush!".

The end.

ps. I got a new job, and I am going to be on an awful tv show. More later.

Love, Kiley

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