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2001-09-07 - 11:42 p.m.

I'm so bored I'm trying to change the listings in my profile, and I hate it because I can't think of what my actual favorite bands or movies are, so I just type in some randomly, knowing that they're NOT REALLY RIGHT. How boring must I be? When pressed I can't even think of what I like. It's not who you are, it's what you like. What the hell is that from? Oh. High Fidelity. I didn't like the book or the movie so much. I did not like seeing Mr. John Cusack as a halfassy lame guy.

Well, hey then- at least I know what I don't like!

Oh, anyway I changed my quote to something Arnold said on a Different Strokes rerun last night. At first when Nick at Nite started showing them I was creeped out to watch, as though bad luck and a guaranteed criminal record would find me through the tv screen. But I calmed down and watched in spite of myself- I can only recall the later Danny Cooksey episodes (had such a crush on him in the day!) from my own memory- and was so pleased. Ok, Gary Coleman rocks. He was so fucking funny. And I'm not being "ironic" here.

Doug C was doing a sigining last night and I had to miss it. Did I mention that yesterday? I was just so upset. My eye itches. What if I caught pinkeye off someone's fork? Why would someone put a fork in their eye? God, people are freakin' nuts.

ps. More than any other bad thing I can think of right now I hate edited-for-telivision movies on tv. WHY, WHY bother showing movies like American History X on cable channels like the USA network? I'm sorry, great disrespect is done to a film if the words "monkey fluffer", at a highly dramatic moment, are supposed to be coming from a character's mouth. It takes all the willing suspension of disbelief on the planet to accept that.

Thank you.

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