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2001-07-14 - 5:44 p.m.

That is SO WEIRD that buttsalad was talking about the Bakkers in her entry today, because I just read this book by their son. I always feel funny after I read someone's memoir, like I know too much about them, and then I get all sensitive if I see them on tv later or something. Like, the other night S and I were watching this episode of Beverly Hills Bordello (my favorite of Showtime's softcore programming), and he said about one of the actresses, "hey, is that Duff?" "NO!"-I got all upset because I'd read her book, and she seemed really cool. She dated Chris Farley, you know.

And I feel funny now seeing those intros to the new movies on Comedy Central ("Pecker" tomorrow- YEAH!) with Laura Kightlinger, since due to her book I know that (1) she was once in the comedy troupe at Emerson College, "this is pathetic", that I DIDN"T GET INTO (despite my great "alphabet game" improv at my audition, jerks, and

(2) her parents were never married. Ok, I don't need to know that! That's none of my business. She's pretty hot, though, don't you think?

ANYWAY, reading Jay B's book today made me feel really bad about all the shit his family went though, especially the relentless teasing. I mean, imagine your parents as portrayed by.. um, who are the least funny people on Saturday Night Live? Dude! You may think that sounds cool, but I bet it's not.

Also, I have a lot of issue to take with Christianity, because I went to Catholic school from kindergarten all the way through high school.

Don't you also hate it when you get in a big fight with your boyfriend because he's leaving next month until December and doesn't think you're responsible enough to handle your apartment by yourself, and then the next day he acts like everything's ok?

Don't you hate asking hypothetical questions to no one because you're passive-aggressive?

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